Entries by John Trader

How Medical Device Hacks Endanger Patient Safety

Arxan’s infographic on healthcare IoT shows wearables, implantable medical technologies, and hospital equipment as three types of devices with their own specific vulnerabilities, including patient data theft. As the company points out on their page for protecting healthcare IoT applications, the FDA found that 400,000 hospitals used infusion pumps deemed to be remotely-hackable last year, […]

Patient Safety in Healthcare

The following post on patient safety in healthcare was submitted by Dennis Kaminski. Every healthcare organization carries along with it the important obligation to ensure patient safety and the safety of staff and visitors. Life itself presents possible danger at every turn, as most of us know well, and becoming involved in any sort of […]

4 Ways to Utilize Technology to Protect Your Patients

The following guest post on how to protect patient safety in healthcare was submitted by Kara Masterson. Healthcare technology has continued its rapid change over the last few decades. This impacts every level of healthcare. Physicians and office staff must work to integrate the appropriate improvements into every day practice, while continuing to provide excellent […]

A Guide to Digital, Physical, and Legal Patient Safety

The following guest post on patient safety in healthcare was submitted by Dixie Somers. Today’s health care consumer is protected by digital, physical, and legal patient safety rules and regulations. Hospitalists, administrators, physicians, nurses, and others in a hospital setting must be aware of the required physical safeguards, rules, and regulations in place to protect […]

How to Prevent Your Medical Information from Misuse

The following guest post on protecting your medical information from misuse was submitted by Christine DiGangi. When it comes to personal information, your health records are about as personal as it gets. And while it may not seem as immediately damaging as someone hacking into your bank account, medical identity theft can seriously threaten your […]