How the Internet Has Changed the Way that We Access Healthcare

How the Internet Has Changed the Way that We Access Healthcare

How the Internet Has Changed the Way that We Access Healthcare

Over the last 10 years or so, the resources that we rely on for health information have changed radically. There’s a ubiquitous amount of information available and things have changed for the better because of this. Often, the internet determines if we visit the doctor or not as well, and this is remarkable, to say the least.

How the Internet Has Changed the Way that We Access Healthcare

The Way we Access Health Information

When you look at the world of health, you will soon find that significant challenges are faced. The amount of health information out there is vast, to say the least. When people find information about their condition, they are then inclined to contact the doctor about it. On top of this, people often end up doing their own research online if they have been diagnosed, which helps doctors to provide a much more efficient service. The great thing about being able to access information like this is that it means that second opinions can often be sought regarding healthcare issues, and this is incredible, to say the least.

Booking Appointments

Another very interesting point would be how easy it is to book appointments online in this day and age. If you live in Canada and want to book an appointment for a dentist in Brockville Ontario, then normally you would have to ring them up during office hours. Now, on the other hand, you can easily go online and book there. You can book in 24 hours a day and you also don’t have to worry about not getting a time that suits you, because most of the time you can choose yourself. This is incredible, to say the least, and it just goes to show how much things have changed over the years.

Online Doctors

It’s also very convenient to go and see an online doctor. When you look at the world of healthcare, you will see that most of it is transitioning online. People are now taking to the internet to have a live chat with their doctor, or they choose to video call instead. This helps to free up doctors and it also reduces the amount of contact that people need to have. As if that wasn’t enough, it eliminates traveling for a lot of people, which makes it much easier overall for people to get the service they need, when they need it.

However, many experts are concerned about the issues that might arise using telehealth services, such as identity theft cases. Fortunately, solutions like RightPatient help prevent medical identity theft across the care continuum with its touchless patient identification platform. It can accurately authenticate patients starting from remote appointment scheduling through check-in and beyond. Fraudsters are red-flagged during identification, preventing medical identity theft in real-time and protecting patient data. 


Lastly, forums are providing people with a fantastic way to get the support they need when it comes to their health. It helps them to talk to other people who have the same ailment, and this helps them to feel confident knowing that they have a network of people who actually understand what they are going through. This is fantastic, to say the least, as it just goes to show how much things have changed, and it also shows that people are able to feel more connected than ever before. Of course, this is especially beneficial for those who have a lifelong condition that they are trying to navigate.

How Technology Improved Road Accident Data Collection

How Technology Improved Road Accident Data Collection

How Technology Improved Road Accident Data Collection

Accidents are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to WHO (World Health Organization), approximately 1.35 million individuals lose their life in car-related crashes every year.

How Technology Improved Road Accident Data Collection

In the USA alone, more than 38,000 people succumb to vehicular crash injuries. Accident data collection is a crucial exercise and should be done with utmost caution. Involved authorities have developed advanced techniques to collect and analyze data after a crash. 

Read the following article to understand the importance of data collection and some of the advanced techniques used to collect accident information. 

Common Causes Of Accidents

For many years, accidents have been claiming innocent lives all over the world. Some of the main causes of automobile accidents include:

  • Distracted driving – according to studies, this is one of the main causes of accidents. 
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol
  • Over speeding
  • Ignoring road signs
  • Careless driving
  • Fatigue

On the other hand, accidents can be caused by factors unrelated to human error, and they include: 

  • Weather conditions
  • Poor roads, for example, potholes
  • Mechanical failure

Importance Of Accident Data Collection

  1. Information collected is important in a court of law – jury and auto accident lawyers will use the provided information to prove what or who caused the crash. 
  2. The authority will use the data to mark high-risk areas commonly called ‘blind spots’ and make the necessary construction improvements to prevent future accidents.
  3. The government may use the information to raise public awareness of safe driving. People are discouraged from overspeeding, drunk driving, and other causes of accidents. 
  4. The government may also use the data to improve Emergency Medical Services. This may reduce the number of fatalities in an accident.

Latest Accident Data Collection Techniques

Over the last few years, there was a need to improve traffic management, which led to the advancement of accident data collection methods with access to real-time traffic data which is becoming a routine worldwide.

Some of the traditional data collection methods, such as interviewing witnesses, have been in use for many years. Although police can gain information involving a crash through this method, it may not be sufficient to determine the cause of an accident. One major drawback of this method is that the human brain is prone to forgetting and he or she may leave out crucial parts giving inaccurate information.

After many years of research, there was the development of much better techniques of data collection with the use of technology. These methods proved to be efficient as compared to the traditional techniques used to collect accident data. They include: 

Use Of Event Data Recorder

EDRs were usually associated with planes, but in recent years, many car manufacturers fit their cars with EDRs. The EDR (Event Data Recorder) is a recording gadget made from a long-lasting and impact-resistant material. It records everything before an accident occurs.

Police and detectives can use the recorded moments leading up to a crash to determine what caused the accident so that they steer clear of similar events in the future.

  • What Is Being Recorded By The EDR

A black box will record crucial information such as the speed of the car, where the throttle was positioned, airbag deployment, application of the brake, and several other factors as they were 20 seconds before and after the accident.

The information will be used to determine whether the crash was caused by a mechanical failure or an avoidable human error. 

Accident Reconstruction

This is another latest technique used by investigators and police to collect information leading to a car accident. It involves recreating the collision scenes using 3D laser scanning to determine the factors that caused the accident.

The development of laser scanning made it easier for authorities to collect accident data in a safer way, as they can collect the information without disrupting the transport system by closing lanes. It’s also a fast and flexible way to collect information as one person can control the entire system. 

The information collected through the recreation of the accident can be used in a court of law. 

Use Of Biometric

In recent years, biometric has become another popular way to collect accident data. It was used when people involved in the accident were unconscious. It involves using physical and behavioral attributes to identify an individual digitally. 

Some of the physical attributes to identify a person and get their emergency patient ID include:

  • Veins
  • Iris
  • Fingerprints

An example of a behavioral attribute is voice. Using voice, investigators can access information about a person involved in an accident.

Use Of Machine Language

In recent years, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) is developing an AI tool to record and analyze crash data. The technology will be used to analyze factors contributing to accident occurrence.

Although it’s still under development, this advancement will change the face of accident data collection. It will be able to provide an accurate way to gather, collect, and analyze data. 

Bottom Line

Although an accident is an unavoidable scenario, it’s important you follow all the rules while driving. It’s vital you avoid distracted driving or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You should be focused whenever you drive to prevent such accidents, even those accidents that weren’t caused by humans.

Accident data collection is crucial and important as they serve as proof of the accident. The recording of the accident was crucial evidence to find out if the accident was caused by human error or it was caused by some other factor. The development of technology allows data collection much easier and accurate. Moreover, touchless patient identification platforms like RightPatient can help detect unconscious patients who are brought to ERs, ensuring that they get swift and accurate healthcare services, significantly improving patient outcomes.


How To Prevent Medical Record Mismanagement


Many medical professionals worry about what could only be a doctor’s or nurse’s worst nightmare: mismanaged medical records. These records could include anything from the wrong diagnosis to treatment to medication. Unfortunately, some errors made in medical documentation can be severe and even fatal.


Although many doctors and nurses are aware of the perils of medical record errors, they also know that the issue can be challenging to prevent. Unfortunately, because of oversight and lack of awareness, improper training of staff, and possibly ignoring the most routine aspects of ensuring that accurate medical records are maintained, some medical professionals miss the obvious warning signs of medical record mismanagement.

A medical record contains a wealth of information that could save a patient’s life. It’s also a critical factor in legal issues that injury lawyers have to deal with. Still, carelessness in data entry can result in a series of medical errors that could be avoided. When such errors are ignored, they may prove to be disastrous. Here are the steps on how to prevent medical record mismanagement:

Train Your Staff On Proper Medical Documentation And Management

With the increase of health-related issues that have been identified in recent times, more medical establishments have realized the necessity of developing a system for proper medical record management.

You can find several organizations that offer training in medical record management. The only important thing is to ensure that the training you receive is from an authentic and highly reputed organization and will help you and your staff to perform your roles well. Such training programs usually last for about six weeks, and you have to be extremely careful about checking whether or not all the information and protocols you’ve learned have been appropriately implemented into your hospital or clinic.

Store Digital Copies Of Medical Records

You’ll have a better idea of your patient’s needs when you have an electronic health file. You can have centralized patients’ records about their current health status, drug prescriptions, and any updated information about them. It’s also easier for other doctors and nurses to look into a particular person’s medical records when they’re in electronic form.

There are software programs that can help you with your record-keeping tasks by storing your medical records in an organized manner. You can download any of them over the Internet and install one on your computer or laptop. This is one of the simplest ways to avoid medical record mismanagement. Such programs have different features, so compare them carefully in order to choose the most suitable software for your health establishment.

Have A Checklist For Documentation And Storage

One of the tips on medical record management you have to follow is to prepare a checklist for proper documentation and storage. You have to identify all the areas where you store your patients’ paper-based records within your medical office, clinic, or hospital. You have to ensure that those places are adequately equipped with the necessary furniture and supplies for storage. You also need to provide separate space for the records and other pertinent documents for different departments to keep their respective records organized.

Update Your Medical Records Management Software

Another thing you need to do is to update your medical records management system regularly. You have to be aware that from time to time there’ll be updates for whatever program or software you’re using for electronic medical records. You have to check for them so you can maintain proper documentation for your patients. It’s also essential to look into your patients’ records often to monitor and input any changes or new illnesses they may have developed.

Invest In New Technology Preventing Duplicate Medical Records

Many health care organizations invest in touchless biometric patient identity management solutions to prevent duplicate records of the patients. These systems are also considered one of the best forms of patient data storage available because they require minimal clearance procedures to access.

Since the biometric data needed for the system is stored electronically, validating a person’s fingerprint requires only a few minutes instead of several hours or even days of phone calls going back and forth between doctors and other staff members. This means that medical professionals can quickly determine whether or not a person’s fingerprint is authentic, which is vital in many situations. In addition, biometric patient records can be matched quickly using online services, which can help medical offices keep up with various legal requirements.


Medical errors have accounted for some of the death tolls from diseases throughout the history of medicine. One way to prevent them from occurring is by addressing the issue of medical record mismanagement. This should always be high on the list of priorities for those involved in the medical field due to the need for patient information confidentiality and maintenance of medical records for safety and regulatory purposes.

Common Types of Medical Negligence and How They Can Occur

Common Types of Medical Negligence and How They Can Occur

Common Types of Medical Negligence and How They Can Occur

There are a number of medical negligence claims that are processed every year. Medical negligence occurs when you have sustained an injury or an existing condition is made worse by substandard medical care.

Research shows that there are common types of medical negligence that occur more than others. Let’s take a look at them and how they may occur.

Common Types of Medical Negligence and How They Can Occur

Being Misdiagnosed

One of the most common types of medical negligence is being misdiagnosed. This can mean that you seek medical advice and they diagnose you with the wrong illness or condition. Your symptoms end up being misread and a medical professional comes to the wrong conclusion. Unfortunately, this can lead to unnecessary suffering for a patient and they end up not receiving the care they need. In some cases, the results of this medical misdiagnosis can be fatal.

If you believe that you have been misdiagnosed, the best thing you can do is seek a second opinion. You can also choose to make a medical negligence claim. It is best to find a lawyer that can assist you with your case, such as Gadsbywicks. This is going to ensure that you receive the best expertise and so that you can claim the compensation that you deserve.

Given the Wrong Medication

Another way that medical negligence can occur is by a health professional giving you the wrong medication. There are several ways this can happen. For example, you may have been prescribed the wrong drug for the condition you have. Alternatively, you might be written a prescription with the wrong dosage. Either way, an error was made in the medication that you received and this should not be taken lightly. Indeed, taking the wrong drugs can have damaging effects on a person.

Moreover, patient misidentification can be a cause for receiving the wrong medication. Imagine that you’re assigned the wrong EHR due to a medical record mix-up, something that is common in the U.S. healthcare system. However, many caregivers are preventing patient misidentification using innovative solutions – more on that later. 

Mistakes Made During Surgery

Going for surgery can be scary and it means going under anesthetic. Surgeons are highly qualified and they are expected to carry out the surgery in a professional manner. However, there are a number of medical negligence claims made because of the ways that surgeries have been conducted. In other words, mistakes have been made that no health professional should ever make. For example, this can include operating on the wrong part of the body or receiving the wrong surgery altogether. An infection may have occurred due to poor hygiene or scarring and disfigurement happened before of substandard care.

Once again, patient misidentification is a major cause for medical errors, medical record mix-ups, patient safety incidents, botched surgeries, and even deaths – all of which can be prevented. Fortunately, responsible caregivers are using RightPatient to ensure accurate patient identification in a safe and hygienic manner. Not only does it ensure a touchless experience, but it also enhances patient safety, prevents duplicate medical records, patient mix-ups, and more. 

Injuries During Birth

Babies are born all of the time. For most people, this is a joyful occasion and you can welcome a new little one into the world. However, another type of medical negligence claim that you can see is birthing injuries. These can take place during labor and they can lead to serious conditions such as cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy.

If you suspect that you have a medical negligence claim, know that there is a certain time period to raise this issue. Often, this is around three years. You can seek legal advice prior to making a claim.

How HIPAA Compliance Affects The Medical Translations Industry

How HIPAA Compliance Affects The Medical Translations Industry

How HIPAA Compliance Affects The Medical Translations Industry

Medical translation plays a crucial role in bridging the communication gaps between medical providers and their multilingual clients. According to Joint Commission Standards and Healthcare Compliance Law, hospitals need to find translators that can help convey important and personal health information (PHI) to Limited English Proficient speakers. However, it is crucial to keep this confidential info private and prevent disclosures to unauthorized persons. These standards are included in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

How HIPAA Compliance Affects The Medical Translations Industry

In consideration of these two policies, hospitals need to assure that their medical translators value the privacy and clarity of information they translate. It is important the language service provider is HIPAA compliant and has legal certifications to perform their job.

How does HIPAA compliance work with medical translation services?

For the security of patients’ PHI, it is crucial for medical translation services to undergo thorough quality assurance and high-security measures. From the safe and secure file transfers to the actual translation process and turnaround of the project, everything must be highly confidential. 

For example, the translators cannot request or send files via email as this would violate the HIPAA regulations. Instead, they can use encrypted file-sharing platforms that can securely transfer files. This is because emails are prone to cyberhacking, and any malicious entities that could breach these data could use the patient’s PHI for identity fraud. 

When this happens, the medical providers and translators need to inform all the affected patients about the situation. In the end, your reputation will be compromised as your patients lose their trust in your hospital.

Thus, the hospitals need to ensure that the medical translation services they will get are HIPAA compliant. As such, they should have an effective project management portal that will secure the document uploads and downloads. Their network of professional translators must also have adequate training regarding the security assurance processes.

Here are the things that hospitals must do before hiring medical translators:

  • Assess the privacy risk of the company that provides medical translation services.
  • Provide proper guidelines regarding information access in the vendor-client agreement.
  • Set terms and conditions to ensure that the medical translator will meet the regulatory compliance.
  • Outline and sign contracts to outline the business relationship between the healthcare providers and medical translation providers.

The issues in the security of patients PHI

Due to recent technological advancement, the healthcare system has adapted to modern processes and changed its paper-based system with electronic health records. This helped in providing more convenient and cost-effective services to their patients. Aside from that, it also improved the disease diagnosis, patient cooperation, and access to health information.

However, it also puts the patients’ PHI at risk for data breaches and cyber-attacks. Due to the software vulnerability, human errors, and security failures, the important information became more susceptible to unauthorized and malicious people. According to a report,  over 41.2 million healthcare data were illegally disclosed in 2019.

Data breaches also lead to medical identity theft, and fortunately, the latter is preventable. Many healthcare providers are already using RightPatient to identify patients accurately at any touchpoint across the care continuum. However, it can also be used to prevent medical identity theft in real-time by verifying patients’ identities and red-flagging bad actors – protecting patient data and mitigating costs in the process.

Coming back to the point, the medical providers are extra careful when disclosing their patient’s PHI to third parties such as the language service providers (LSP) online. They use encrypted file-sharing or FTP clients for secured data sharing. If they are accidentally sent via email, the message should be deleted from the inbox and deleted folder. Aside from that, all PHI files must be deleted from the LSP’s computer after the project. 

What should you expect from your medical translator?

All the businesses, including the medical translation services, under HIPAA compliance must ensure the security and confidentiality of their project. An LSP’s network of translators must understand the importance of the patient’s privacy and do their best to avoid data breaches. The hospitals must also do a thorough screening to ensure that the translators are HIPAA compliant.

Here are some of the things that hospitals must consider when finding medical translators:

1. HIPAA Training

Ensure the LSP’s medical translators and proofreaders have undergone official HIPAA training. There are numerous training and courses that they could avail themselves of online or even in agencies. If they haven’t done this, the healthcare providers must move on to another company.

2. Experience of Medical Translators

Remember that in medicine, the accuracy and security of information are important. Thus, instead of hiring new applicants, hire seasoned medical translations or a company that can offer expertise in the industry. What’s even better in choosing an agency instead of freelancers is that you can put more confidence in the confidentiality of your patient’s PHI.

3. Business Associate Screening

A lot of medical translation companies claim that they are HIPAA-compliant even if they are not. Thus, it is important to ask for supporting documents and proofs regarding their claims. Make sure that they went through a strict investigation process that verifies their translation management and IT infrastructure.

4. Screening LSPs medical translators

After the agency, the network of medical translators of an LSP must be assessed through a rigorous screening process. The company should have strict criteria and ensure a solid compliant process when finding medical translators.

5. ISO Certifications

Aside from undergoing strict screenings, medical translators need to have ISO certifications. This will help ensure the accuracy, IT policies, and data security of the medical translations. It also certifies the legitimacy of the company that you’re partnering with.

6. Solid IT Infrastructure

It is essential to ensure the sufficiency of the security systems of your LSP. This will help in securing the confidentiality of your patients’ PHI to avoid data breaches in the future. As you know, some medical translation companies use translation software for a faster turnaround of the projects. In these cases, ask for an assurance that these tools will not breach the HIPAA compliance at all costs or just cross it out from the options.

7. HIPAA Audit and Assurance

Aside from the medical translation process, the LSP must have its own way to check the HIPAA compliance of every project. They should also have an extensive process to ensure that there are no errors and mistranslations to the documents. This is essential to ensure that the company is organized enough to ensure the security of the patients’ files.

8 Ways Hospitals Put Patient Safety First

8 Ways Hospitals Put Patient Safety First

8 Ways Hospitals Put Patient Safety First

When you take a patient to the doctor or a hospital, you expect that all their treatments will be free of danger. Physicians and other healthcare providers should minimize the risk of infection and error while attempting to make their patients as comfortable as possible. The ultimate goal is that no patients are harmed. Physicians, nurses, dentists, and other healthcare workers can help make going to the doctor or the hospital a positive experience for patients.

8 Ways Hospitals Put Patient Safety First

Patients are a hospital’s number one priority and healthcare facilities always do the best possible strategies to ensure that their patients remain safe and healthy within their facilities. Here are some of the common ways hospitals use to guarantee that their patients’ safety is prioritized. 

1. Using A Monitoring System

Each healthcare worker is responsible for caring for varying numbers of patients, each with different needs and medications. Using a monitoring system can help nurses and physicians ensure that they are doing their job correctly and keeping a close eye on patient needs.

By using technology such as bed alarms to notify staff if a patient falls, the healthcare industry is helping patients remain safe in the background—hospital monitoring systems such as these assist in spotting and avoiding human error.

2. Preventing Contamination

If you’ve ever had any surgery, you know that the equipment can generate some smoke. An electrosurgical smoke eliminator, which often serves as an attachment to electrosurgery, is a tool that’s used to remove some of the smoke that may be seen during surgeries. This product helps to prevent the particles from circulating in the air before they have a chance to enter the body. Contamination can be controlled in various ways, for example, washing hands more often, providing handwashing stations, and making sure everyone wears protective equipment like masks, scrubs, and disposable surgical gloves when handling patients.

3. Hygiene Is Essential

Strictly enforced rules and regulations have a substantial impact on patient safety. It’s one of the most effective ways to control germs and the spread of infections in hospitals. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be used regularly and patients should be taught about the importance of hand hygiene should be discussed extensively. Doctors take control of their patient’s health by washing their hands before going into the treatment room.

4. Educating Patients About Their Treatment

Eliminating the patients’ ignorance about their medical treatment and well-being is vital to ensuring patient safety. Patients needn’t be fully aware of their situation, but higher knowledge levels are still desirable. The strategy of simply reminding patients what they’ve been told has considerable evidence of use in patient safety initiatives. Patients and family members are primarily concerned with their well-being. For recognizing and preventing errors, you’re helping them stay on track with their treatment and medication.

5. Ensuring Positive Patient Identification

One of the more overlooked issues within the US healthcare system is patient identification errors and they hamper patient safety significantly. Patient misidentification causes patient data quality issues, medical record mix-ups, wrong transplants, detrimental health outcomes, and even deaths. Fortunately, responsible healthcare providers are using innovative solutions like RightPatient, a touchless biometric patient identification platform, to ensure patient safety by eliminating patient misidentification. 

6. Verifying Test Results Before Operations

We’ve all heard the accounts of people who had their right knee replaced and received a botched operation—verification processes in the hospital procedure help combat frequent errors like these. Another kind of verification is the Universal Protocol, which allows any surgical team member to take a “time out” if they feel that the details of the surgery may be inaccurate. However, other aspects of healthcare use checks on medication dosage, timing, and handwashing procedures are essential to verification.

7. Checking the Dosage

Medical professionals can help patients closely examine the medications provided and ensure that proper doses are supplied on the prescription. Many of the remedies contain abbreviations that can sometimes be difficult to distinguish. Another popular abbreviation used that has no real-world meaning is once a day or the given dose. When it comes to these acronyms, one of the crucial actions of the organizations is to keep them out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them. If medications are spelled out, the information is visible for everyone to see.

8. Performing the Needed Diagnostic Testing

Doctors will often check the patient’s bloodwork or other bodily functions to find out what’s happening. Tests are completed, but additional tests impede the patient’s welfare. The doctor must examine the tests and the patient’s current and future health comprehensively to see if there are any medications required or any options available to deal with the condition. The doctor should also ensure no side effects following the treatment.


Doctors, physicians, nurses, and other medical practitioners should be held to the highest standards. They’re taking people’s lives into their hands. Even the smallest of errors could result in injury, illness, or death. They make sure to follow every safety protocol because they need to be careful at all times making sure that the safety of their patients is one of the topmost priorities. By following the ways listed above, hospitals can ensure that their patients are always healthy and safe from harm.


5 Features of an Excellent EMS Computer Aided Dispatch System


Time is of the essence when your organization is in the business of saving lives. To improve response time and promote clear and concise communication between all parties involved, you need to make use of a customizable yet reliable computer-aided emergency dispatch system to coordinate with the rest of your team members. 


If you’re in the market for emergency dispatch software specially designed to meet the needs of your EMS organization and improve the services that you provide your clients, there are a couple of things that you can do to make your selection process much faster and easier. One of these is listing down all the features that you want your ideal solution to have. Exactly what features should a dispatch software include so that it can help your institution provide high-quality service during stressful and critical situations? Here are a few that you should consider:


Almost everyone owns a smartphone these days, and more often than not, your staff members access their daily schedules through their smartphones. When you’re dealing with medical emergencies on a daily basis, it is simply not ideal to rely solely on a computer or website to find out what your next schedule or assignment is. Therefore, it makes sense for your dispatch system to feature a mobile app that your team members can access in a heartbeat. 

Once they have the app installed on their mobile phones, your personnel won’t have to log in using a browser every single time just to see their updated tasks. Also, they can receive real-time notifications for urgent assignments. These features, in turn, will help your organization maximize the use of technology and minimize the time you need to provide your services. 

Visual Dispatching

The act of organizing a dispatch can take up a lot of time. Some systems will require you to manually input the time, location, situation, type of vehicle, personnel, and other details that are needed to carry out a proper response, and this can eat up precious minutes. 

Visual dispatching is a much faster alternative to this dated method. Simply put, visual dispatching allows you to click, drag, and drop a crew member’s details to a schedule grid, and your crew member will know about their current tasks or upcoming schedule changes. This method will make it easier for your dispatchers to manage both scheduled and unscheduled assignments that pass through your system. Also, because you can readily see everyone’s timetable, you’ll have an easy time identifying and filling up available slots. 

Multiple Manager Access

Companies that focus on maintaining public health are often open 24/7. EMS organizations typically have to change the schedule of their personnel every now and then to ensure that there are enough staff members to respond to the needs of their clients. This is true with both the EMS crew members on the ground and the dispatchers who coordinate their efforts. 


RightPatient enhances patient identification.

Your online scheduling application, then, should allow more than 1 person to work in an administrative capacity. The system should feature multiple levels of access rights to ensure security. While one person can serve as the system’s primary administrator, the others can be given administrative privileges that they can use when the primary manager is out of their workstation. This way, your organization can continue providing its services even if there’s a sudden change in your staffing schedule. 

Active UHU Percentage

Your dispatch system effectively records the time that your team members are on the clock. This puts it in a unique position to report on Unit Hour Utilization (UHU). This key metric is what most EMS organizations monitor frequently when they have profitability in mind.

Using this metric, EMS organizations can track whether their ambulances are being utilized effectively and whether their crew members are being put to work. To maintain or increase profits, some EMS organizations set a minimum UHU goal to achieve. Besides profitability, this metric also helps dispatchers to allocate resources effectively so crew members are not stretched too thin. That way, crew members can provide better quality care and service even during stressful and critical situations.

Integration with Other Modules

Last but not least, your dispatch software should have the ability to easily integrate with other modules. When every module is sitting on an independent island, numerous IT resources and API calls are needed to get all data in one place. Headaches and frustration arise when you get data integration errors.  Your staff will then have to either fix the issues or key in those data, a highly inefficient process.

At the minimum, your computer-aided dispatch should integrate with ePCR and billing. If that’s the case, then you can improve cash flow dramatically because your billers can bill the dispatch as soon as it is finalized. Also, when your dispatch system is integrated with employee scheduling, you can eliminate the mistakes of assigning someone who is on PTO to a dispatch. These are just a few benefits when you use an all-in-one solution for EMS organizations. 


In order to provide people with quick, efficient, and life-saving services, your EMS organization should be supported by a computer-aided dispatch system that’s designed to meet today’s growing demands. To start, sit down with your team members to list down the essential and nice-to-have features as well as functionalities that you want to see in your next dispatch system. Then, use this list as a guide when checking out your options, or use it to formulate questions when you’re shopping for software providers. Doing so allows you to easily narrow down the vendors that offer concrete solutions to the dispatch system issues that you are facing today.

5 Benefits of Technology in the Healthcare Industry

5 Benefits of Technology in the Healthcare Industry

5 Benefits of Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Implementing technology into medical enterprises has enriched the lives of many individuals all across the globe. Ranging from the invention of X-ray machines to advancements in surgical techniques, technology has heightened our life expectancy rates by making us healthier.

5 Benefits of Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Through platforms like Lecturio, information technology is formulated to offer personalized, affordable, and adaptive digital medical pedagogy. This will play a significant role in assisting you in acquainting yourself with how technology has upped healthcare.

How Has Technology Promoted Better Healthcare

There are multiple benefits of technology in the healthcare industry, which brings about a rapid shift in improved healthcare. The following are ways technology impacted healthcare.

Genome Sequencing

Genome sequencing is essentially decoding an individual’s genome. For this reason, it is referred to as the future of health care. Medical specialists’ ability to be equipped enough to sequence the human genome is one of the most tremendous in medical technology. The sequence informs scientists on the type of genetic progression carried by a particular segment of DNA.

The provision of genomic information is beneficial in instantly extracting powerful indications and storing them for future detection. This genetic data is used to find the causes and origins of diseases and how to bring about good health. 

Remote Monitoring Tools

If patients could monitor their health in their own homes, unnecessary doctor visits will be eliminated, and a lot of money will be saved. Tools such as pacemakers for patients who suffer from heart diseases are programmed to send data to health centers. There are also tools customized for patients living with chronic illnesses, and with them, the patients’ health can be monitored from hospitals irrespective of the distance.

Basically, these tools oversee the supervising improvements and breakdowns of patients with preexisting conditions requiring keen and close monitoring, which cuts in half the workload that would have otherwise been involved. Their ability to record this data and billing is an added advantage.

Telemedicine / Telehealth

In remote areas where health care services and hospitals are a bit easy to access, patients can communicate with doctors virtually through their phones and computers. This way, the medical expenses are a lot more substantial.

  • Telemedicine: this refers to the utilization of electronic communication and IT to provide medical services for patients situated in remote areas. Remote medical evaluations and diagnoses, virtual consultations, and digital transmission of medical imaging are all illustrations of telemedicine.
  • Telehealth: telehealth technology allows the remote review and diagnosis of patients and the proficiency for distant detection of oscillations in patients’ medical conditions to alter the specific therapy and medications accordingly. Telehealth also facilitates e-prescribe treatments remotely.

Wearable Technology

Technology has introduced wearable medical tools, and they are rapidly taking root in the medical market. These wearables are a category of electrically powered devices that could be implanted in the user’s body, accessories, tattooed on the skin, or embedded in clothing.

They do not require any manual operation and are microprocessor powered and can receive and transmit data through the internet to allow users to monitor their health. Wearable devices are used to gather data that will aid patients, and doctors will need to assess and regulate the wearer’s health. These devices are featured to notify the authorities of acute medical crises.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Any medic will confess that electronic health records are an immensely significant advancement in the healthcare field. It promotes a myriad of upgrades in medical treatment and diagnostics. Unlike in the past, where medical records were clumsily handled, EHRs enable fast information, recording, storage, and transfer of medical files and efficient care integration.

However, many healthcare providers have to use additional solutions in order to use EHRs effectively. Proper patient identification is still a huge issue within the healthcare system due to the lack of an effective patient identifier. As a result, patient mix-ups, duplicate medical records, and patient safety issues are quite common. To prevent all that, responsible caregivers are using innovative solutions like biometric patient identification platforms and RightPatient leads the pack. It is a touchless solution that prevents HAIs (hospital-acquired infections), protects patient data, and enhances patient safety effectively.

To Sum it All Up

Over time, we continue to formulate strategies to promote the quality of our lives and cure ailments. Advancements in the field of medicine through technology have certified numerous life-saving strategies. Imagine being able to have an appointment with your doctor virtually with thousands of miles between you when a few decades ago, it was entirely impossible. Technology is nothing but an asset in the healthcare industry.

Tips For Improving Patient Satisfaction In Surgery Centers

Tips For Improving Patient Satisfaction In Surgery Centers

Tips For Improving Patient Satisfaction In Surgery Centers

Are you an administrator looking to expand or improve your hospital’s ambulatory surgical center’s operations? One critical component to every healthcare facility’s success is positive feedback. Use these practical tips to improve your patient’s satisfaction.

Tips For Improving Patient Satisfaction In Surgery Centers

What Is an Ambulatory Surgical Center?

Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) were created to administer a variety of low-risk surgeries. Some routine procedures performed at an ASC include:

  • Arthroscopy.
  • Cataract surgery.
  • Cesarean section.
  • Dental restoration.
  • Gastric bypass.

What Are the Benefits of an ASC?

ASCs are becoming an increasingly accessible option for many patients. These centers offer a variety of benefits such as:

  • Same-day discharge.
  • Lower out-of-pocket costs.
  • Higher nurse-to-patient ratios.
  • Lower risk of infection.
  • Improved recovery.

What Is Patient Satisfaction?

Patient satisfaction measures how pleased a person is with their level of care. This accounts for services both inside and outside the surgeon’s office. A patient’s feedback provides administrators with valuable insights into the effectiveness of the medical staff’s care and empathy level. 

How Is It Measured?

Patient surveys are an integral way to measure their overall satisfaction. Whether it’s in person, written, or over the phone, obtaining this information helps healthcare administrations identify gaps and develop quality improvement initiatives. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) is the industry standard for reporting patient experiences and their perspectives of the care they receive.

Tips for Improving Patient Satisfaction in Your ASC

A patient’s satisfaction level affects many areas of your ASC, such as patient retention, clinical outcomes, and medical malpractice claims. Healthcare executives and physicians can institute a few easy strategies to improve patient experience at ambulatory surgical centers across their system. 

Use Your Patient’s Name

For many patients, their hospital experience is often impersonal. Doctors may forget about one of the most important tools in their arsenal — a friendly hello. More than merely greeting your patients, use their first name.

Ensuring Accurate Patient Identification

One of the biggest pain points faced by any healthcare provider, whether health systems or ASCs, is patient identification errors. In the case of ASCs, these errors lead t mix-ups, wrong surgeries, and worse. Many healthcare providers are preventing these issues with touchless biometric patient identification platforms like RightPatient. By identifying patients accurately at any touchpoint within the care continuum, RightPatient enhances patient safety and personalized the experience – improving patient satisfaction in the process. 

Make Eye Contact

Keeping eye contact with the person you’re talking to shows that you are actively listening to what they have to say. A friendly, sympathetic attitude helps patients feel more at ease. It’s essential for building rapport and is a sign of care and respect. 

Focus on Patient Education

Information is vital to a person’s decision-making process and empowers them to better direct their healthcare. Enlist the help of nurses and other support staff to help educate patients, and remember to use layman’s terms.

Create a Welcoming Environment

Most people think a medical center is a cold and sterile place. Make sure your ASC is tidy, and add some comfortable seating arrangements, soothing artwork, and soft lighting to create an attractive aesthetic.

Upgraded systems

Value stream mapping (VSM) is a business management method physicians can use to analyze and improve patient flow. It gives administrators the tools to identify inefficiencies during any step of a patient’s experience.

Take advantage of these tips to ensure a positive patient experience. Create a welcoming environment for patients and add a personal touch. You’ll soon see your survey results improve.

Telehealth in the Covid era - from coordinating care to saving lives

Telehealth in the COVID Era – From Coordinating Care to Saving Lives

Telehealth in the Covid era - from coordinating care to saving lives

How telehealth evolved due to Covid

Even before the novel coronavirus pandemic broke out across the world, technologies like telehealth video conferencing were penetrating more and more institutions with the promise of new efficiencies for doctors and patients. 

Telehealth in the Covid era - from coordinating care to saving lives

The COVID‐19 emergency disrupted even the most stable healthcare systems, speeding up the introduction of new care modalities. Multiple telehealth solutions got the green light in clinics and hospitals to permit the delivery of comprehensive, high-quality care in new conditions.

Training and care coordination for pandemic responders

In the hectic first months of the pandemic, when governments and health systems were working out a response to an unprecedented situation, telehealth proved to be an indispensable tool for training and collaboration. 

Thanks to specialized telecommunications solutions, doctors from different institutions and even countries have been able to carry out distance education courses, deliver critical COVID-19 training for rural providers, and streamline real-time collaboration with out-of-hospital providers.

Addressing the needs of vulnerable groups

Domestic violence victims

Recent surveys have shown that the pandemic has had an impact on domestic violence victims as well, with people in abusive households facing a higher risk of isolation, depression, and suicide due to widespread social distancing and lockdown measures. 

Telehealth can go a long way in providing domestic violence victims and survivors with important psychological services whenever and wherever it’s comfortable for them. One example is The Zepf Center, a non-profit behavioral health center in Ohio that is now partnering with Bethany House and the YWCA of Northwest Ohio to install telehealth systems on-site and run an awareness campaign. The project will enable abuse survivors to connect with much-needed psychiatric, therapy, and case management services. 

Elderly patients

Out of all at-risk demographics, the coronavirus has especially heavy consequences among the elderly. In a situation where seniors have to minimize close contact with other people and postpone non-urgent medical visits to avoid contagion, their healthcare routines are being disrupted and key services become unavailable.  

New telehealth initiatives are now targeting care delivery to elderly patients that stay at home for their safety or experience poor availability of care due to hospitals predominantly treating COVID-19 patients. In Maine, elderly residents will get access to wellness services and advanced care planning with the help of telehealth in a program coordinated by the University of New England.

Within the program, osteopathic medicine students and family medicine practitioners will be trained to deliver their services, such as annual and routine preventive care for seniors, via telehealth platforms.

Rare disease patients

Before COVID-19, people with rare diseases already routinely turned to telehealth to reach specific experts without traveling a long way. In the last months, the same technology turned from convenience to a life-saver, since many rare disease patients take medications that adversely affect their immune systems and increase the risk of infection. By moving face-to-face consultations online, users are able to receive the care they need regularly and safely. 

For example, hemophilia patients in Ireland benefit from a well-developed EHR system that simplifies the use of telemedicine for managing hemophilia treatments. Surveys among such patients have shown that 94% are satisfied or very satisfied with telehealth physical therapy, and 63% express interest in a remote exercise class by video or via an app.

Tackling emerging challenges of telehealth delivery 

Despite multiple advantages and high levels of motivation among stakeholders, telehealth video conferencing initiatives still face many hurdles in their implementation. Let’s have a closer look at some of them. 


Not all telehealth solutions that are currently in use accommodate well for people with visual impairments, motor impairments, and language barriers. The pandemic has also highlighted the inequalities in access to a stable phone or broadband connection, especially in rural areas. For example, among elderly Americans, just 55% own a smartphone or have broadband access at home. 

A related factor is the lack of familiarity with telehealth technologies among patients and doctors alike. Most elderly patients are comfortable with telephone consultations, and a much lower number can confidently use video conferencing. 

A concerted effort is needed to tailor telehealth solutions to the needs of patients and, on the other hand, to improve digital health literacy among affected patient subgroups. 


Quite simply, the pandemic has put all digital systems in healthcare under increased pressure, and scalability has become an issue for many telehealth providers. 

Developers introduce highly available architectures to help doctors reach geographically distributed patients and support a larger number of concurrent connections. Another way of addressing the issue is cloud-based autoscaling – an approach that leverages the flexibility of the cloud to ramp up resources in real-time depending on the performance and current demand.


To address the migration of multiple healthcare services to online platforms, regulatory bodies in many countries had to ease the existing restrictions around telehealth. In March 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the U.S. reduced barriers to telehealth access. 

Among other changes, CMS dropped the rule that stipulated telehealth recipients needed a prior relationship with their healthcare professional of choice, which allowed doctors to offer consultations to new patients using telehealth. The easing of HIPAA requirements in telehealth also enables physicians to use popular videoconferencing platforms like Zoom and Skype for remote consultations.


A lot of experts have been concerned about security issues that lead to cases of telehealth fraud and medical identity theft. Many hackers have even forced themselves into telehealth sessions, showing that an extra layer of security is required. 

Fortunately, medical identity theft is preventable if a robust patient identification platform is used to validate patients’ identities, and that is exactly what RightPatient does. It is a touchless biometric patient identification platform that uses patients’ photos to verify their identities and can be used across the care continuum, making it ideal for telehealth sessions. 


According to a report by The National Organization for Rare Disorders, before the pandemic, only about 0.01% of healthcare appointments in the U.S. were done via telehealth. By mid-April 2020, that number had risen to 69% of total appointments.

For many, a shift from in-person visits to telehealth in the current period improves safety and accessibility of qualified medical assistance. However, healthcare providers and regulators should take into account that for certain populations, the benefits of this transition also create new barriers and limitations. As we all work to minimize the COVID-19 risks, the efficiency and equitability of care delivery with telehealth should be examined in relation to various patient demographics.