A Guide to Carbon Monoxide, The Silent Home Killer

The following guest post was submitted by Senator Windows.
Carbon Monoxide or (CO) for short, is a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous gas. It cannot be seen, smelled, or heard; which is part of what makes it so dangerous. It is particularly dangerous for children because they breathe faster and inhale more carbon monoxide per pound of body weight.
Carbon Monoxide does serious damage to the human body. When it is inhaled, it combines with blood, but prevents the blood from absorbing oxygen. Blood vessels can become faulty which can lead to swelling in the brain, unconsciousness and nerve damage. In very serious cases, it can be fatal.
The longer a person breathes in carbon monoxide, the more heightened their symptoms become. It is strongly advisable to get out into fresh air ASAP and away from the area that contains the gas, in addition to calling for emergency medical help.
To prevent it building up in the home, install a reliable alarm and open windows to allow fresh air to circulate and adequately ventilate rooms. For more information, have a look at the infographic below which has been created by Senator Windows.